Tag Archives: list

A Meta Blog Post

debs/ December 18, 2018

Is it just me, or have our words gone into hibernation? A friend intends to write a poem and gives up when he realizes he just doesn’t have the words.  Another has the desire to pray, but wishes for modern liturgies and pre-scripted prayers because, sometimes, the words just don’t come!

Likewise, only 30% of my latest blog post were my own words (2469/3616 words were part of direct quotes). Even in my parallel journaling life, where I can usually fill several pages at a time with no trouble (other than hand cramps), my most recent entries are as close as I can imagine to what brain farts would look like on paper. I’ve resorted to copying passages of text verbatim, perchance to channel the energy of others at their best while I am at my worst.

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Making shadow work work for me

debs/ December 5, 2017

“Shadow work is all the unpaid for labour done in a wage-based economy.”
Shadow work includes: commuting to work, doing the laundry, figuring out how to use self-checkout at the grocery store…

All this unaccounted for labour adds mental strain, called decision fatigue, to our already very exhaustive mental energy. Life hacks that limit shadow work are often circulated. For example, certain “successful people” wear the same thing every day to reduce the shadow work required to decide what to wear every morning.

While life hacks help you minimize shadow work, what if you can make shadow work work for you? What if there is a way to profit from it?

All this is basically a segue for me to show you some interesting money-earning and money-saving apps.

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