Engineer by nurture. Skeptic by nature.
I try to understand many things, yet am an authority on nothing.
I have many ideas about how to live, yet no idea how to make a living.
In recent years, I recognized the unsustainable trajectory of our capitalist society as something I need to respond to. However, my training as an engineer encouraged me to maximize the utility of natural phenomena, and by extension sees the earth as a resource to extract from. Meanwhile, my graduate studies in medical biophysics advocated a reductionist approach to life, always trying to sterilize, always trying to fix--a view of life as hindrance and limitation. While these endeavors do not explicitly exploit the earth, I felt that the work expected of me is intrinsically complicit with systems and attitudes that do. Instead, I desire to live in respectful relationship with Creation and the creatures in it and hope to contribute aspects of my training to this cause, somehow.
I am trying to address the tension between making a living and being alive by tapping into the imagination of others in the same plight. My explorations have led me to develop interests in regenerative agriculture, degrowth economy, voluntary simplicity, and alternative housing. I found that this pursuit often intersected with food justice, sourcing, and distribution issues globally and locally in the context of broader inequality issues. The fodder for my thoughts are listed here and I grapple with my what I learn in my blog. These activities are conducted on contested land.